Posts in Blog
Struggling to Achieve your Goal? Move the Goalpost!

One of my transformational life coaching clients came into our call feeling behind in her work and life. Beating herself up, she was being incredibly hard on herself because she hadn’t achieved a particular goal she had set months earlier. Ultimately, she felt frustrated and disappointed, and was unable to move forward in her business. She believed she wasn’t ‘good enough’, that she had let herself down, and was worried about what other people would think. As a result, she had stopped taking action at all.

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Bloggeorgie Doherty
Create Unique Balance in your Life and Business

Lunar Life is not a ‘traditional’ (ahem… patriarchal) way of doing business. There is no one ‘right way’ or one ‘proven road to success’ to accomplish what you desire. Learning how to work with the Lunar Cycles can create balance, ease, and flow in all areas of your life, including business.

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BlogMeirav Dulberg