Are your thoughts keeping you from attracting what YOU want?


Are your thoughts keeping you from attracting what YOU want?

Your thoughts attract things to you. Wanted or unwanted. 

The awesome thing is…YOU are fully in-charge of your thoughts!!! Yes YOU- no one else!!! 

Sleep is a time when your inner being can realign your energies, and it is a time for refreshment and replenishment of your physical body.

Therefore it is IMPORTANT to have awareness of your thoughts before you sleep


Your energy/vibration is right where you last left it.......

Soooooo if you are lying in bed about to go to sleep and you start going through allllll the things you did NOT accomplish during the day or worrying about something that hasn't happened or a conversation you had with someone that didn't go well and then you start to feel guilty, frustrated, anxious, stressed, then eventually you fall asleep and then awaken and pick up right where your thoughts or vibration/energy/feeling left off the night before......

....Attracting more of what you DON'T want!!

Let's bring it back to the Moon for a moment......

We are in the last week of the Waxing cycle before the Full Moon in about 5 days time!!

What does that mean for You?:

  • Smart, inspired, pleasurable and creative action, action, action ( NOT blood, sweat and tears kind of action)!! Really picking up momentum towards your intentions you set at the New Moon!

  • Notice the signs from the universe that you are on the right track (or not).

  • The universe may send you a few "challenges" that require you to say no to certain things if they are not in alignment with your intentions.

  • You may notice the voice of doubt, the not good enough, not worthy enough and imposter syndrome begin to creep in around this phase.

How do we work with the Moon energy ( Waxing Cycle ) and attract MORE of what You DO want ( Your Intentions)? 

By bringing your awareness to your Thought before Sleep!! 

Your thoughts attract things to you. Wanted or unwanted. 

The awesome thing is YOU are fully in-charge of your thoughts!!! Yes YOU- no one else!!! 

So with that in mind let's create a SLEEP TIME RITUAL that helps you switch off and realign your energies so you can start attracting more of what YOU DO WANT ( Intentions ) 


As you are lying in bed......

Bring yourself into the present moment by looking for the positives like: this bed feels sooo comfortable. I loooove how my head feels on the pillow......

Then bring your attention to your thoughts and focus on what you really enjoyed about your day. Really feeling the good feeling in your body.

Then start to focus on at least 5 things you appreciated throughout your day. And again really feeling the good feeling in your body. 

If you are really struggling to let go of the thoughts of worry, upset, to-do-list then write it down!!

Once that feels complete start to focus on the most important intention right now: Sleep!

Say to yourself: " I am going to sleep now, and while I am sleeping, because my thoughts will be inactive, attraction will stop and my physical body will be completely refreshed at every level."

Sleep is a time when your inner being can realign your energies, and it is a time for refreshment and replenishment of your physical body. 

In a nutshell: Switch off your thoughts before going to sleep and YES it takes practice and time to do this consistently and with ease. It is a conscious effort!! 




Bloggeorgie Doherty