Create Unique Balance in your Life and Business

Work with your Feminine and Masculine Energies to Create Ease and Flow

Lunar Life is not a ‘traditional’ (ahem… patriarchal) way of doing business. There is no one ‘right way’ or one ‘proven road to success’ to accomplish what you desire. Learning how to work with the Lunar Cycles can create balance, ease, and flow in all areas of your life, including business.

Feminine and Masculine Energy Flows Within Us

 Feminine energy is nurturing, creative, empathic, kind and patient. This free-flowing energy of ‘knowing’ is about embracing your intuition and emotions, and connecting to other people, Spirit, and the Universe.

 Masculine energy is about constructive action-taking, rules and order, logical thought, and ‘knowledge’.

 Elijah Selby, Founder and Director of ‘The Feminist Rising’ , says,  

‘In business and in life, lead with the Divine Feminine and support with the Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine is the creator of life; the Divine Masculine then asks, ‘How may I serve you to bring this to life?’ It’s a beautiful dance.’

Focus On what Matters

Choreographing this dance of ‘balance within’ is key to your fulfillment and success. A lack of balance in one area will show up in other places in your life. Personal stress will, more than likely, affect your work - just as workplace pressure tends to affect your health and personal life.

Doing ‘Internal Work’ to understand your beliefs, behaviours and patterns can have a significant positive impact on your state of balance.

Many people are scared to strive for balance, either because they have tried to find it and it didn’t work, or they simply don’t feel it is achievable. Working with the Moon teaches you to understand and engage both your Feminine and Masculine energies – because it’s impossible to find balance using one without the other.

What Does Being Out of Balance Look Like?

  • Burnout

  • Prioritizing the needs of others

  • Feelings of overwhelm, frustration, unhappiness, anger, exhaustion

  • Anxiety and Stress

  • Negative impact on relationships

 As you struggle with these increasingly negative energies, you may notice an impact on your relationships - with your partner, children, colleagues, friends and, most importantly, Self.

 How do you be independent and dependent at the same time?

 How do you run a successful business, be financially successful and still have fun?

 Is all this even possible?

 Yes it is!

What Does Being in Balance Mean?

Balance looks different for everybody. 

Striving for balance is a process, a journey; there is no end goal with balance. No one will ever reach a point of perfect balance 24/7, 365 days a year.  

But you can learn to recognise your needs and give yourself permission to rest, and take action, when the time is right for YOU. 

When you feel overwhelmed, taking the time to reset helps you to feel more grounded and present in the moment, and creates higher clarity of thought. It allows you to bring relaxation and calm into your busy life and gives you the ability to hold space for the emotions or needs of others.  

‘The more that I tune into resetting and relaxing, the easier it is for me to manage my emotions and those of other people. If that means putting myself first – for two minutes or 20 - before I give myself to my kids, then that’s what I’m going to do. Over time, I have learned to switch quickly to calm from chaotic overwhelm, because I take care of myself first.’

Work with the Moon to Create Balance

The Lunar Cycles are a fabulous guide to help you build a life of balance, ease, and flow.  

On the most basic level:

  • When the Moon is in its waxing phase, its energy encourages you to connect with ‘doing more’, and to use your Divine Masculine to take action

  • When the Moon is waning, it’s a sign to slow down, ‘do less’, get creative, and plan for the next action-taking cycle

Working with the Moon allows you to be more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions – and act accordingly to reduce overwhelm in your life.

Lunar Life gives you an understanding of when to take action, and when not to. When to let go, and when to start something new. While we often have no control over external events in our lives, creating inner balance and a life of ease and flow is within your control – once you have the tools to do so. 

I continue to grow my business from a place of service to create a lifestyle that works for me and my family. Helping others transform is part of who I am

I continue to grow my business from a place of service to create a lifestyle that works for me and my family. Helping others transform is part of who I am.
BlogMeirav Dulberg