My Story
My name is Georgie….
and I'm the proud mama of four amazing children: Olive (11), Diana (7), Rex (3), and Saige (2). Each pregnancy and birth felt like a journey of profound transformation, requiring me to shed old versions of myself and step into a new, expanded role.
When I welcomed Olive into the world, I felt completely unprepared. Not only did I not know how to change a nappy, I didn't have the tools or resources I have now to navigate the overwhelming emotions and unexpected challenges of being a Mother. Olive, with her vibrant personality, challenged me in ways I never anticipated, pushing my buttons and forcing me to question everything about myself, the world and society.
Looking back, I realise that those early challenges were the catalyst for my own personal growth. They ignited a desire within me to learn, to heal, and to become the best possible mother I could be. And so, my journey began. (And yes, Olive was indeed named after the spirited little girl in "Little Miss Sunshine" – a fitting tribute to her vibrant spirit!)
My journey bringing Olive Earthside
The minute I took the pregnancy test, I knew I carried a girl. Although I didn’t understand it at the time, this ‘knowing’ was my intuition speaking. Its message was clear - the first thought that popped into my heart and soul was, ‘Oh my goodness, it’s Olive!’
At this time, I was burnt out, stressed, and overwhelmed. I was not in tune with myself and believed that this state was the only possible way to live.
During my entire pregnancy I lacked trust. I constantly felt out of control and hated the cravings, incessant fatigue, morning sickness, and my changing body. I felt incredibly disconnected from the baby I couldn’t see, hear, or feel. Like most first-time mums, I Googled in search of answers. No matter what anyone said, I didn’t trust their reassurances or what was going on within. I constantly felt that I was not good enough. It was terrifying.
A big believer in the power of information, I explored hypnobirthing to become more educated on the actual birth process. While this knowledge did help me understand the practicalities, I was in complete denial when I went into labour four weeks early. I didn’t trust what my body was telling me.
I laboured for 12 hours at home, before heading to hospital, still believing that my planned water birth would be an option. But, with Olive making an early appearance, I was told that I would deliver her in the high-risk ward.
This was not what I wanted, and certainly not what I had planned. But in that moment, I felt in my gut that everything would be ok.
I knew that Olive and I would be safe; I held no fear.
For the first time, I trusted.
I continued to labour for another 14 hours in hospital.
In this unexpected space of deep trust within myself, I became aware of the fear being projected by the medical professionals around me. Because my labour was classified as high-risk, I was repeatedly told by these ‘authority figures’ that I would need an epidural and a doctor to deliver the baby. At this point, I recognised an overwhelming feeling that ‘this process doesn’t feel right to me’. I trusted myself and, regardless of the pressure I was under, I kept saying no to intervention, drugs, and an epidural.
I insisted that a midwife be with me for the delivery.
I refused to get on the bed.
I demanded a birthing ball so I could move and do what my body desired.
Olive and I were in Sync
Labour felt natural; the ebb and flow of contractions, pain intensifying as my body brought my baby into the world. Again, the medical staff told me I was too tired, my labour was too long, and that I needed to get on the bed and have an epidural. In tears, I pushed all the noise aside to question myself, connect with my intuition (although I didn’t know that’s what I was doing) and recognise that intervention still didn’t feel right.
When I felt the need to push, the Midwife immediately objected, telling me it wasn’t time yet. Furious and frustrated, I ripped out the drip (to this day I still feel nerve pain in my hand) and the Midwife made me lie down to check the baby’s progress. Sure enough, she was nearly here.
During my entire labour I spoke my truth and did what felt natural to me. I had no idea I was capable of something so powerful - to be able to stand up for myself, even though I was exhausted and in a very vulnerable space, was incredibly empowering.
I was Born with Olive
Bringing Olive into the world triggered an intense curiosity as I began to realise that there was so much to explore. Simply because medical staff are an authority doesn't make them correct. I realised I caused chaos by listening to my body and challenging how things were meant to be done in the high-risk ward.
Although I had experienced significant fear during my pregnancy, the moment it came to give birth something switched inside of me, and my fear disappeared. I came into myself. I believe I was born along with Olive.
“Your instincts and Intuition do not lie.”